If you think you might be offended by the use of religious figures, certain nationalities, races, genders, or anything else, then you probably won't think this is funny.
Since computers are a relatively recent phenomenon in world history, some have wondered what sort of computer skills historical religious figures had if they had lived in the 20th century. To settle this argument, a software programming contest was held to determine once and for all the true computer champion. Priests, rabbis, popes, gurus, pastors, bishops, imams,and other religious figures, present and past, all showed up to enter the competition.
After days of intense preliminary and qualifying rounds, only 5 finalists remained for the final test ... Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Buddha, and Brigham Young. The judge described the software application required for the final event. The signal to begin was given, and the five contestants feverishly typed away at their keyboards. Routines, classes, applets, and applications feverishly flew by on their screens at incredible speeds. Windows, dialogs, and intricate graphics began forming on their monitors.
The judges stopwatch showed that the contest would soon be finished. Suddenly as time was running out a bolt of lightning flashed and the power went out. When after a moment, it came back on just in time for the judge to announce that time had ran out and the contest was over. The crowd murmured among themselves wondering how the power outage had affected the contestants work. The judge approached their PCs to inspect the results.
First, he went to station #1, where Brigham Young stared aghast at an empty screen. He quickly filed an appeal protesting that it was unfair that this was the last contest and they should have a second chance. Hisappeal was promptly denied.
Next, the judge went to station #2, where Confucius was likewise peering at a blank screen. Trying to come up with a solution to his predicament he came up empty and threw up his hands in despair.
The judge continued on to station #3, where Buddha, like the other two, had nothing to show for his efforts. He had tried to ignore his sorrow at losing his files but unable to do so he broke down, sobbing.
The judge then proceeded to station #4, where Mohammed, again like the others was sitting in front of a blank screen. He had been trying to convince himself that this had been the will of Allah. Unable to come up with a reason why Allah would want him to lose such an important contest he banged his fist on his desk in anger.
Finally, the judge went to inspect Jesus' work. Jesus smiled clicked his mouse and a dazzling application appeared on his screen. The judge looked at his work for just a few moments before declaring Jesus the winner. The media crowded around the judge each of them wanting to know what had made the difference between Jesus and the others. "What one characteristic set Jesus apart from all the other religious figures?" one reporter asked. The judge smiled and said two words ...