Clear |
Sorted By: Year ascending |
tt0022958 |
Grand Hotel |
1933 |
Drama |
Won |
Grand Hotel... always the same. People come, people go. Nothing ever happens. |
tt0039628 |
Miracle on 34th Street |
1934 |
Family |
X |
"Uh, since the United States Government declares this man to be Santa Claus, this court will not dispute it. Case dismissed." - Judge Harper |
tt0029947 |
Bringing Up Baby |
1938 |
Comedy |
X |
"When they find out who *you* are they'll pad the cell." - David |
tt0031971 |
Stagecoach |
1939 |
Western |
Nom |
"Well, I guess you can't break out of prison and into society in the same week." - Ringo |
tt0031381 |
Gone With The Wind |
1940 |
Romance |
Won |
"War... War... War..." - Scarlett |
tt0033045 |
The Shop Around The Corner |
1940 |
Classic |
X |
"Now if I were a girl and had to choose between a young good-for-nothing with plenty of hair and a good, solid, mature citizen, I'd pick Mathias Popkin every time." - Alfred Kralik |
tt0033870 |
The Maltese Falcon |
1941 |
Mystery |
Nom |
"That is the stuff that dreams are made of." - Sam Spade |
tt0033533 |
The Devil and Miss Jones |
1941 |
Comedy |
X |
"You... Benedict Arnold in sheep's clothing!" - Mary |
tt0036172 |
More the Merrier, The |
1943 |
Comedy |
X |
"I'm a well-to-do, retired millionaire. How 'bout you?" - Benjamin Dingle |
tt0034583 |
Casablanca |
1944 |
Romance |
Won |
"Major Strasser has been shot... Round up the usual suspects." - Captain Renault |
tt0038787 |
Notorious |
1946 |
Action |
X |
"If you had only once said that you loved me." - Alicia Huberman |
tt0040724 |
Red River |
1948 |
Western |
X |
"There are only two things more beautiful than a gun: a Swiss watch or a woman from anywhere. Ever had a good... Swiss watch?" - Cherry Valance |
tt0041959 |
The Third Man |
1949 |
Film Noir |
X |
"I never knew the old Vienna before the war with its Strauss music, its glamour and easy charm. Constantinople suited me better." - Holly Martins |
tt0042546 |
Harvey |
1950 |
Comedy |
X |
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." - Elwood P. Dowd |
tt0043265 |
The African Queen |
1951 |
Romance |
X |
"Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to rise above." - Rose Sayer |
tt0043456 |
The Day The Earth Stood Still |
1951 |
Sci-Fi |
X |
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!" - Klaatu/Mr Carpenter |
tt0044706 |
High Noon |
1952 |
Western |
Nom |
"This is just a dirty little village in the middle of nowhere. Nothing that happens here is really important." - Judge Mettrick |
tt0046303 |
Shane |
1953 |
Western |
Nom |
"Shane! Come back!" - Joey |
tt0046534 |
War of the Worlds |
1953 |
Sci-Fi Horror |
X |
"After all that men could do had failed, the Martians were destroyed and humanity was saved by the littlest things, which God, in His wisdom, had put upon this Earth." - Narrator |
tt0047396 |
Rear Window |
1954 |
Mystery |
X |
"Intelligence. Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence." - Stella (Thema Ritter) |
tt0047472 |
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers |
1954 |
Musical |
X |
"Love is like the measles. You only get it once, and the older you are, the harder you take it." - Adam Pontipee |
tt0045793 |
From Here To Eternity |
1954 |
Drama/War |
Won |
"Only my friends can call me a little wop." - Pvt. Maggio (Frank Sinatra) |
tt0046816 |
The Caine Mutiny |
1954 |
Drama |
Nom |
"Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them." - Lt Cmdr Philip Francis Queeg |
tt0048380 |
Mister Roberts |
1955 |
War |
Nom |
"Captain, it is I, Ensign Pulver, and I just threw your stinkin' palm tree overboard!" - Ensign Pulver (Jack Lemmon) |
tt0049730 |
The Searchers |
1956 |
Western |
X |
"What do you want me to do? Draw you a picture? Spell it out? Don't ever ask me! Long as you live, don't ever ask me more." - Ethan Edwards |
tt0049223 |
Forbidden Planet |
1956 |
Sci-Fi |
X |
Commander Adams: "Nice climate you have here. High oxygen content."
Robby: "I seldom use it myself, sir. It promotes rust." |
tt0049261 |
Giant |
1956 |
Epic/Drama |
Nom |
"Bick, you shoulda shot that fella a long time ago. Now he's too rich to kill." - Uncle Bawley (Chill Wills) |
tt0050083 |
12 Angry Men |
1957 |
Crime/Drama |
Nom |
"No jury can declare a man guilty unless it's SURE." - Juror #8 |
tt0050212 |
Bridge on the River Kwai, The |
1958 |
War |
Won |
"Be happy in your work." - Colonel Saito
"Madness! Madness!" - Major Clipton |
tt0051459 |
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof |
1958 |
Drama |
Nom |
"There ain't nothin' more powerful than the odor of mendacity!" - Big Daddy(Burl Ives) |
tt0053125 |
North By Northwest |
1959 |
Mystery |
X |
"I never discuss love on an empty stomach." - Eve Kendall
I think originally the line was, "I never discuss sex on an empty stomach.", but was over-dubbed to pass the censors. |
tt0053291 |
Some Like It Hot |
1959 |
Comedy |
X |
"I come from this musical family. My mother is a piano teacher and my father was a conductor." - Sugar Kane Kowalczyk |
tt0053221 |
Rio Bravo |
1959 |
Western |
X |
"I brung us some dinni-mite!" - Stumpy |
tt0054331 |
Spartacus |
1960 |
Epic/Drama |
X |
"I am Spartacus!" |
tt0052618 |
Ben-Hur |
1960 |
Epic/Drama |
Won |
"Your eyes are full of hate, forty-one. That's good. Hate keeps a man alive." - Quintus Arrius
"We keep you alive to serve this ship. Row well and live." - Ben Hur to Quintus after they are shipwrecked. |
tt0053946 |
Inherit the Wind |
1960 |
Bio/Drama |
X |
"Mr. Brady, it is the duty of a newspaper to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." - E.K. Hornbeck |
tt0056592 |
To Kill A Mockingbird |
1962 |
Crime/Drama |
Nom |
"and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted - if I could hit 'em; but to remember it was a sin to kill a mockingbird." - Atticus Finch |
tt0056262 |
Music Man, The |
1962 |
Musical |
Nom |
"You watch your phraseology!" Mayor Shin (Paul Ford) |
tt0056217 |
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The |
1962 |
Western |
X |
"This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend." - Maxwell Scott ed. Shinbone Star |
tt0055928 |
Dr. No |
1962 |
Action |
X |
"Bond. James Bond." |
tt0056197 |
The Longest Day |
1962 |
War/History |
Nom |
Radio Announcer: "John has a long mustache." |
tt0056172 |
Lawrence of Arabia |
1963 |
Bio/Drama |
Won |
"I pray that I may never see the desert again. Hear me, God." - Lawrence |
tt0057115 |
The Great Escape |
1963 |
War |
X |
"Hold on to yourself, Bartlett. You're twenty feet short." - Hilts |
tt0057012 |
Dr. Strangelove |
1964 |
Satire |
Nom |
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!" - President Merkin Muffley |
tt0060177 |
Blue Max, The |
1966 |
Drama/War |
X |
"To kill a man, then make a ritual out of saluting him - that's hypocrisy." - Lt Bruno Stachel |
tt0061418 |
Bonnie and Clyde |
1967 |
Action/Advent |
Nom |
"This here's Miss Bonnie Parker. I'm Clyde Barrow. We rob banks." |
tt0061722 |
Graduate, The |
1967 |
Drama |
Nom |
"Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?" - Benjamin Braddock |
tt0061512 |
Cool Hand Luke |
1967 |
Crime/Drama |
X |
"Well, sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand" |
tt0061809 |
In Cold Blood |
1967 |
Crime/Drama |
X |
"Look at me boy! Take a good look! Cause I'm the last living thing you're ever gonna see!" - Tex Smith (Perry's Father) |
tt0062622 |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
1968 |
Sci-Fi/Adven |
X |
"Open the pod bay doors, please HAL." Dr. Dave Bowman |
tt0063442 |
Planet of the Apes |
1968 |
Sci-Fi/Adven |
X |
"Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape." - Taylor |
tt0064115 |
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid |
1969 |
Crime/Drama |
Nom |
"Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?" - Sundance |
tt0065126 |
True Grit |
1969 |
Western |
X |
"Mr. Rat... I have a writ here says you're to stop eating Chen Lee's cornmeal forthwith. Now it's a rat writ, writ for a rat, and this is lawful service of the same." - Rooster Cogburn
tt0066026 |
M*A*S*H |
1970 |
Comedy |
Nom |
"All right, Bub, your fuckin' head is coming right off." - Painless (the dentist) during the football game.
[the first use of the word "fuck" in a major motion picture] |
tt0065938 |
Kelly's Heroes |
1970 |
Comedy/War |
X |
"Always with the negative waves Moriarty, always with the negative waves." - Oddball |
tt0078966 |
The China Syndrome |
1970 |
Drama |
X |
"Oh, God. Please God, cover it!" - Jack Godell |
tt0066999 |
Dirty Harry |
1971 |
Action/Advent |
X |
"But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?" - Harry Callahan |
tt0066206 |
Patton |
1971 |
Bio/Drama |
Won |
"The last great opportunity of a lifetime - an entire world at war, and I'm left out of it? God will not permit this to happen! I will be allowed to fulfill my destiny! His will be done." - Gen. George S. Patton |
tt0068646 |
The Godfather |
1973 |
Crime/Drama |
Won |
"I made him an offer he couldn't refuse." |
tt0070723 |
Soylent Green |
1973 |
Sci-Fi |
X |
"Why, in my day, you could buy meat anywhere! Eggs they had, real butter! Fresh lettuce in the stores." - Sol |
tt0070735 |
Sting, The |
1974 |
Comedy |
Won |
"But you're a con man! And you blew it like a pimp!" - Luther Coleman |
tt0073195 |
Jaws |
1975 |
Action |
Nom |
"You're gonna need a bigger boat." - Sheriff Brody
"Here lies the body of Mary Lee; died at the age of a 103. For 15 years she kept her virginity; not a bad record for this vicinity." |
tt0073802 |
Three Days of the Condor |
1975 |
Mystery |
X |
"I told them a story. You play games, I told them a story." - Joseph Turner/The Condor |
tt0075029 |
The Outlaw Josie Wales |
1976 |
Western |
X |
"Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?" - Josie Wales
"I didn't surrender, neither. They took my horse and made him surrender, they have him pulling a wagon up in Kansas, I'll bet." - Lone Watie |
tt0076759 |
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope |
1977 |
Action/Advent |
Nom |
"I want to become a Jedi, like my father." - Luke Skywalker |
tt0075148 |
Rocky |
1977 |
Drama |
Won |
"You're gonna eat lightnin' and you're gonna crap thunder!" - Mickey Goldmill |
tt0075860 |
Close Encounters of the Third Kind |
1977 |
Sci-Fi/Adven |
X |
"If everything's ready here on the Dark Side of the Moon... play the five tones." - Team Leader |
tt0078788 |
Apocalypse Now |
1979 |
War |
Nom |
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Smells like... victory." - Lt Col Bill Killgore (Robert Duvall) |
tt0065988 |
Little Big Man |
1979 |
Western |
X |
"Anyway, it was a great copulation." - Old Lodge Skins |
tt0078748 |
Alien |
1979 |
Sci-Fi Horror |
X |
"This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off." |
tt0082971 |
Raiders of the Lost Ark |
1981 |
Action/Advent |
Nom |
"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage." - Indiana Jones |
tt0082846 |
On Golden Pond |
1981 |
Drama |
Nom |
When asked by Bill Ray (Dabney Coleman) if there were any bears, Norman answers, "Yeah, brown bears, black bears, grizzles. One came along last week and ate an old lesbian." |
tt0083866 |
E.T. : The Extra-Terrestrial |
1982 |
Action |
Nom |
"It was nothing like that, penis-breath!" - Elliot |
tt0083658 |
Blade Runner |
1982 |
Sci-Fi |
X |
"The report read "Routine retirement of a replicant." That didn't make me feel any better about shooting a woman in the back." - Rick Deckard |
tt0084516 |
Poltergeist |
1982 |
Sci-Fi Horror |
X |
"They're here!" - Carol Ann |
tt0055988 |
Star Trek II; The Wrath of Khan |
1982 |
Sci-Fi/Adven |
X |
"I don't believe in the no-win scenario." -Captain Kirk |
tt0055988 |
Star Trek II; The Wrath of Khan |
1982 |
Sci-Fi/Adven |
X |
"I don't believe in the no-win scenario." -Captain Kirk |
tt0088247 |
Terminator, The |
1984 |
Sci-Fi |
X |
"I'm Reese. Sergeant Tech-Com, DN38416. Assigned to protect you. You've been targeted for termination." - Reese |
tt0087332 |
Ghostbusters |
1984 |
Comedy |
X |
"Mother pus bucket!" - Dr. Peter Venkman |
tt0088763 |
Back to the Future |
1985 |
Sci-Fi/Adven |
X |
"Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain." - George McFly |
tt0092099 |
Top Gun |
1986 |
Action/Advent |
X |
"I feel the need..., the need for speed!" - Maverick |
tt0093779 |
The Princess Bride |
1987 |
Adventure |
X |
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." - Inigo Montoya |
tt0107007 |
Gettysburg |
1993 |
War/History |
X |
"All science trembles at the searing logic of your fiery intellect." Gen. Armistead to Gen. Pickett |
tt0107290 |
Jurassic Park |
1993 |
Sci-Fi/Adven |
X |
"We have a T-Rex." |
tt0108052 |
Schindler's List |
1994 |
War |
Won |
"My father was fond of saying you need three things in life - a good doctor, a forgiving priest, and a clever accountant. The first two, I've never had much use for." - Oskar Schindler |
tt0109830 |
Forrest Gump |
1995 |
Drama |
Won |
"Life is like a box of chocolates..."
"And I meet the President ... again." |
tt0112384 |
Apollo 13 |
1995 |
Historical/Drama |
Nom |
"Houston, we have a problem." - Jim Lovell |
tt0120815 |
Saving Private Ryan |
1998 |
War |
Nom |
"O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me." Private Jackson (Berry Pepper) |
tt0167404 |
Sixth Sense, The |
1999 |
Thriller |
Nom |
"I see dead people." - Cole Sear |
tt0120737 |
Lord of the Rings, The |
2001 |
Action/Advent |
Nom |
"One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them." - The Ring |
tt0286106 |
Signs |
2002 |
Sci-Fi |
X |
"There's a monster outside my window, can I have a glass of water?" - Bo |
tt1205489 |
Gran Torino |
2008 |
Drama |
X |
"Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have fucked with? That's me." - Walt Kowalski |
tt2584384 |
Jojo Rabbit |
2019 |
Satire |
Nom |
"Yeah, definitely not a good time to be a Nazi." - Yorki |