Web Site News

My log of info about, and changes to, thise website.
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Date News
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View 2024-05-10 21:41:00 Reinstalled Webtrees genealogy. Imported the gedcom file. However, the media files are not linked correctly to the individuals. Will need to get some help from the Forum.
View 2024-05-07 23:52:53 Completed the transfer of the website from GoDaddy/ to ImmotionHosting/
Still some minor cleanup and broken links to be fixes but all of the databases are working.
View 2024-03-10 12:26:45 Today, I added all of the 2023 Academy Award Best Picture Nominees. Again, this year, the Academy allowed ten nominees. In my opinion, at least five too many.
View 2023-08-25 21:34:36 Added "The Genius of Steven Wright" to the My Stuff pages. found it on the Quora website.
View 2023-03-26 13:30:31 Well ... Not sure I'm totally happy with the Home page and there are probably still some changes and fixes that need done. Also, hoping to have time to update some if the things in my "Stuff" page. Anyway, moving the menu to the top leaves more space for the content.
PS: Can't find a decent weather widget without paying subscription fees.
View 2023-03-20 19:07:10 Working on re-structuring my movie database. And moving the Menu to the top to open up more screen.
View 2022-06-04 18:18:39 I think I have everything working again with the exception of the Cookbook (too many things broken, may have to just do a re-install).
Please let me know if you find anything still broken.
View 2019-05-23 00:00:00 Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, provides insight into the debate over climate change and the political games played to create policy in this interview by Mark Levin on his Fox News show "Life, Liberty, and Levin".

Here is the link to the video:
View 2019-01-12 08:00:00 Not much going on here, as you can tell. The site is pretty much static and I expect I'll not change much. Might add to, or amend, some of the lists, or My Stuff, occasionally, but that's about it.
View 2017-02-25 17:30:45 I added 'My Oscars List', a list of all the Best Picture Oscar winners from 'Wings' to 'Moonlight'. I plan to add comments, and stuff, as I have the time and the inclination. My opinion of the Academy's credibility has steadily declined over the last decade or so. This year's winners has only confirmed that they have gone 'whacko liberal'.
View 2016-10-09 19:45:00 Well, the BLM and Colin Kaepernick controversy, I found that I needed to vent, giving my opinion, and stating my case for why BLM and Mr. Kaepernick are totally wrong. You'll find my post in the My Stuff button, "Racism, BLM, and the NFL". If anyone ever visits here, I hope they will take the time to read my humble opining, and feel free to send me flame emails, IF you have a good case to make for the other side. As always personal attacks and name callers will be deleted!
View 2016-09-08 11:00:00 I found a new recipe program - PHPMyrecipes. Installed and configured it over the last couple of days. Had a bit of a time fixing up the styling the way I wanted, but I think I've got it. Might find some tweaking to be done, and noticed a couple of PHP errors, but the don't affect it's use. Turned on the menu link and it is online now.
View 2016-09-05 00:30:00 I've changed the My Genealogy to Webtrees and am in the process of removing phpGedView. The phpGedView had become inactive with no updates or development since the release of version 4.2.4, 2011-01-14. All of the records have been imported from Legacy Family Tree, but GoDaddy's limit of 64mb of memory for PHP processes affects the creation of the image thumbnail files. Maybe I can get them to up it.
View 2016-09-03 11:30:00 Did some fiddling with the site today. Tweaked some of the style sheets, changed/added a couple of the images, changed a font or two, fixed some duplications. Need to upgrade the mySql on GoDaddy and install Webtrees to replace phpGedView.
View 2016-08-05 20:50:00 Worked on the site today. Fixed some minor things, reordered some of the menu items, reworked the way the some of the admin pages displayed. I've added some movie quizzes, no trivia yet. I still need to fix the header graphic to reflect our moving to Winfield. Maybe I'll get it done tomorrow?
View 2015-12-20 14:30:00 Added some Christmas styles! Updated the Collectorz list of DVDs, and believe I have all of our movies listed. (Thinking about removing the 'My DVDs' section) Added the 'My Movie Quizes' section, thinking of adding a trivia quiz. Fixed up the clock widget a bit.
View 2015-09-20 16:30:00 Added menu item to my movie database. As of now I've about half of the DVDs/Blue-rays entered, will be adding as time allows.
View 2013-05-31 00:25:00 Got about everything here the way I want it to be. Plan on keeping up the Genealogy as best I can, add recipes when I find a good one, and occasionally add to My Stuff and the For Sale page.
View 2013-05-13 11:15:00 As of late last night I have everything uploaded to my GoDaddy account. Everything appears to be working as planned. Done some tweaking of the appearance of some of the pages, mostly in the admin section, and will probably continue the process (always one more thing to do, right?).
View 2013-05-10 20:30:00 Finally decided that with all the data I have on my server that I needed to move to a hosting service. I've been building and using several databases and so thought it time to store all this in a more secure environment. Some of my data is private, and another feature of hosting is protected directories.
So, I think I have everything working on this .com site. Oh, I'll be leaving the .me site online, but it may not be as up-to-day as here.
View 2013-05-04 20:30:00 Consolidating most of the website database tables into a single MySQL database. The genealogy and recipe databases will still be separate, but consolidating the others will help with administration of the site.
View 2013-02-09 11:30:00 I've thought quite a bit about the current gun control debate. There seems to be all kinds and manner of arguments, but in the end I believe there is only one thing that needs to be remembered -- "The right of the people to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."