I consider myself a Political Conservative. I'm a registered Republican, but I will vote for any candidate, local or national, that espouses the conservative values listed below. I will also say that if the situation arose wherein I was offered a candidate that held these values, but supported abortion, or supported gun control, or some other single issue that didn't match exactly my belief, it would NOT neccessarily disqualify them.
- Republicanism - "the rule of law"
- Strict interpretation of and adherence to the Constitution
- Limited Federal Government
- Religious freedom
- (not freedom FROM religion, but the freedom of all to practice whatever one's religious beliefs and any time, in any place)
- Friedman and Libertarian economics
As for some of the individual issues that we, and our government, face today, here is my list
- Voting needs to happen on Election Day -- NO early voting, NO mail-in ballots(except for those allowed for voters away from their districts).
- I'm against ANY gun control, it violates the Second Admendment
- Making prohititions based on the shape, amount of ammo it holds, etc. etc. are INFRINGEMENTS (look up the meaning of the word).
- I'm against abortion. BTW, there is no federal statute that legelizes abortions (Federal judge ruling have given it pseudo legitimacy).
- When women argue they should have the 'right' to choose, I counter-argue that they have 'choice' and when they choose to have sex they then must accept all the risks and responsibilities that go alone with it.
- This is actually a moral issue, rather than a political one
- The 16th Admendment needs to be repealed and replaced with a new tax structure
- Education is the provence of the States, the Feds should have no involvement whatsoever
- So called 'Green' energy should not be subsidized and ...
- The EPA should not have the power to stop billion dollar projects because someone sees a rare spider, beetle.
This is my own research, compiled from Internet searches, coming from websites available for public viewing. To the best of my knowledge, no copyrighted material was used here. The opinions expressed are my own. If anyone cares to comment or rebut, email guardian46wATgmailDOTcom
November 10, 2012
minor edits June 8, 2022